DIVERSE was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic with the mission to help Black, Ethnic-Minority and candidates from low-income backgrounds into employment. They share advice with their community of over 3,000 UK students and grads through virtual events, podcasts and guides to prepare them for exciting opportunities at employers like Warner Bros., Discovery and UNIDAYS.

DIVERSE have some free careers events lined up over the next couple of weeks, with students of all degree backgrounds welcome to attend. The next couple of sessions will focus on graduate schemes, tech and the creative industry.

Building Your Dream Career in the Creative Industry (Science Museum) Thursday, Oct 6th 4pm UK
Hear from the Head Curator at the Science Museum Group and learn what it's like working in the Creative Industry and how you can break-in.
Register here

Building Your Dream Career in the Creative Industry (UNiDAYS) Thursday, Oct 19th 3pm UK
Hear from the UNiDAYS VP of Product & Engineering on different career paths within Tech, which one might be right for you and how you can make it happen
Register here

To find out more about DIVERSE and other opportunities that are available, head to their website