About The Cross Government Graduate Aspiration Programme (GAP):

The Cross Government Graduate Aspiration Programme (GAP) aims to support university students from less privileged backgrounds to realise their full potential to help build confidence, aspiration, and aid career choices. The scheme matches second and third year university students (from lower socio-economic backgrounds) with a civil servant mentor who can offer support, guidance, advice and direction. Whilst we know that university students may have an advantage over non graduates, those students from more privileged backgrounds potentially have access to a wider cross section of professionals, and this can have a huge impact on their ability to ‘get in’ and ‘get on’ in their chosen profession. GAP aims to provide students from less privileged backgrounds with access to a civil service professional who can provide real-life knowledge and experience of a profession and help build soft skills like communication and networking.

  • The Graduate Aspiration Programme (GAP) matches university undergraduates with civil servants who work across the Civil Service in occupations/professions the student is interested in. Mentees are encouraged to talk about their career aspirations and any opportunities or barriers to help focus conversations to improve their skills and gain knowledge.
  • The GAP Mentoring Scheme involves a six-month commitment, November to April where mentors/mentees will meet via Microsoft Teams video call or phone call at least once per month. We also expect that there will be some email contact over the course of the mentoring period. Mentors may wish to invite their mentees to shadow them at work, take part in a site visit or attend meetings to observe their role (if appropriate).


GAP should only be considered by who are able to commit fully to the programme. Mentees are giving up their own time and commitment and it is essential they are supported by their mentor. To take part in the programme mentors must commit to:

  • Investing their time to engage with the mentee; typically, one hour a month for 6 months via digital platforms.
  • Actively participating in the scheme, imparting/receiving advice and highlighting opportunities to develop.
  • Completing feedback/evaluation forms to allow us to make improvements that will benefit others in future.
  • Notifying the programme organisers of any changes, e.g. contact details, programme participation.

Sessions will take place a minimum of once a month via MS Teams/phone call for a period of 6 months, November 2023- April 2024. A guidebook will be provided to assist with conversation starters and session pointers.


Mentors can be from any grade and background and a range of different Government departments. Students must come from lower socio-economic backgrounds (LSEB) to take part in the programme and be 2nd or 3rd year students (4th year also, if attending a Scottish University).

If you have any questions please contact the team on: socialmobility@justice.gov.uk

Click here to apply: forms.office.com

Open to: Students from lower socio-economic backgrounds

Website: www.gov.uk